What business areas we focus on ?

ICT Business Unit of GLOSIA has implemented diverse ICT projects and has long business experiences in this business sector ranged from innovative S/Ws to smart components and devices

Korean ICT market has been growing fast for the past decades and has positioned in a leading edge of the global market. It is considered as one of the most innovative and dynamic markets in the world, equipped with full value chain of the industry from global OEMs to innovative tier 1 and tier 2 vendors. Its R&D spending is known to be in a top tier in the world, and considered as a most suitable testbed for global innovations and its commercialization projects

We’ve been successfully building up wide business network with key market players throughout gigantic OEMs based in Korea, as well as innovative ventures and leading start ups in this sector. We also team up with leading SIs and VARs with which we collaborate closely for global developer’s successful launch in the market entry project into Korea and eventually to Asian market

We have specific expertise and interest to identify global innovative technologies, contents and to explore business opportunity via Korean market eventually to global landscape in collaboration with global OEMs based in Korea, like Samsung LG SK and Hyundai...

Our expertise for the INTERNATIONAL CLIENTS are mainly through ;
  • Execute Sales Promotion and Develop Business Partnership in Korea
  • Establish Joint R&D or JVC
  • Attract R&D Funding, and Government Subsidy Program
  • Attract Strategic Investment from industrial partners and investors
  • Attract Licensing in and out
Some example of our INTEREST areas are :
  • Innovative S/Ws, Security solutions
  • Smart components, modules & devices
  • IoT & Smart sensors
  • VR / AR based innovations and Contents

#3319, 33F World Trade Tower, 511, Youngdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea